Fees for Forensic Services
Psychosexual Evaluation and Report (flat fee) - $2,000*
Court-appointed Psychosexual Evaluation and Report (Federal Cases) (flat fee) - $2,500
Parental Capacity/Fitness Evaluation and Report (flat fee) - $1,900
Violence (non-sexual) Risk Assessment and Report (flat fee) - $1,800
Fitness for Duty Evaluation and Report (flat fee) - $1,250
Workers Compensation/Disability Evaluations and Report (flat fee) - $1,200
Child Custody Evaluation and Report (retainer) - $5,000
Psychosexual and Parental Fitness Evaluation and Report (retainer) -$3,000
Criminal/Civil Capacity Evaluation and Report - $3,000
Forensic Evaluation and Report - Hourly Fee $225/hr
Individual Treatment for Sexual Concerns - $200/session
Other Court-ordered or Mandated Treatment - $200/session
*Psychosexual Evaluations include an extensive clinical interview, a broad-based Personality measure, thorough history of sexual development/behaviors, brief cognitive testing, exploration of attitudes/beliefs that may indicate enhanced risk for reoffending. Empirically supported risk measures will be used if appropriate. Strengths and protective factors will be assessed. Records review (up to 100 pages) is included. This fee includes the scoring, interpretation, and report write-up.